Our little farm on the hill has been quite a experience we have built a shop for Don to work, and a chicken pen for Grandma's chickens. Don has been growing plants from seeds and plowing up the ground for our garden. We have a worm farm where we put scraps from dinner, and feed to the chickens I guess you can say we are growing greener. By that I mean we have been refurbishing furniture, and finding new homes for them for several years.
We are making a pretty large garden, so we can share fresh vegetables with our family and friends, to can for this year, and some to sell. We are putting in a large field of pumpkins, for the folks in the area who want to come and pick out their own. We put up a scarecrow already, as we have had a hard time with the birds.
Last week we had peacocks here for a day and Don had to run them out of the garden. We also had some problem with our wild birds they were pecking away at the seeds. We strung a line and hung old cd's on a line and some small pinwheels, this stopped the problem.